From ‘Engineering’ dude to a ‘Computer’ nerd

Image result for change of job

Hey – it gets weirder. It’s not often you see someone work his ass off 3 years getting his diploma in Marine Engineering and ending up getting Bachelor’s Degree in Multimedia Design and now work as a graphic designer?

How it all started out?

So, I just graduated from high school and guess what? I only have 3 ‘O’ levels (it’s like you only have 3 subject passed and the rest well basically you failed). I was keen in learning the aviation thingy but the college was not keen in taking me in because of my result (basically they said i’m stupid but in a kind words).

So my dad give the idea, ‘Why don’t you try Marine Engineering? The salary is good and your result is within requirements.’

I was 16  years old and hearing salary like 2k -3k is like a gold mine being struck (if there are any goldmine in Brunei, let me know). So yeah, I applied and well long story become short, I passed the interview and I become an engineering student.

Back in the days, what my father usually told me, engineering students were only doing practical stuff most of the time rather than theories. I was like, shit, this college is for me. Since I suck at theories (or in other words, stupid) that’s what push me to take the course.

Let me fast forward three years after that, we have 20% practical and the rest was reports and examinations. So yeah, I messed up my grades but I still got my diploma (I ranked last in my whole intake by the way).

Image result for engineering students during exam

So after I got my diploma, I thought that was worse, well getting a job was more hectic. I couldn’t land a job for half a years until one day, one of the company I applied 2 months back called. They said to me to come for interview which I did and I passed. I worked there for 3 months and I thought to my self, maybe I should get a degree. So I quit. 

The main reason why I quit was, I was not happy with the job I have and the lifestyle that I’m living. So that forces me to find a change. Okay basically the company was shit, they took our savings and salary was shit also.

The Change

Believe me, it gets better. So I want to study abroad but I was stupid. I went to a education agency where they send student abroad to study (or make the family lose their money while their kids lose their virginity and enjoy their life to the fullest and fail with their grades).

So I ask the agency, ‘I want to study abroad, but I’m kinda stupid. Is it possible?’Image result for studying abroad meme

Well they found me a university – which they allow me to enter although I’m stupid. So then after confirming that, the agent ask me what course I want to take. She mention to me that Degree in Mechanical Engineering can be a bitch.

So I was like, ‘Can I change?’

Then she told me it was possible. I did a deep thinking and I was fond of game mechanics and etc. So I told her, I want to take Bachelor Degree in Multimedia Design.

So fast forwarding to the day I entered uni life in Malaysia, I realized that I was smart! (only at some point of the times, after that I’ve gone back to my stupid state of mind).

I don’t have all the basics in designing, art or any design related skills but in the end, I’ve done it. Three years went by and hey, I got my Bachelors Degree with a First Class Honors.

I just put a little context here. I did not enjoy doing assignments, reports, exams and etc but the learning process makes it fun.

So after graduation, I landed my first job as graphic designer. Oh and during my internship for degree, I was interning as a videographer/video editor in Subang Jaya. It was fun when I think about it again.

So I work as graphic designer at my first job but I usually handles the website design. Now I’m working as Creative Designer for a travel agency. I just started out but working here is fine and I’m happy (while I’m writing this, I’m at work).Image result for graphic designer meme

The Moral

First of all, people always get this wrong. Grades offer you a better job, better life. Well they are wrong. I got my degree and I did do better than I was in Diploma but my friend was a high school dropout and he has a business now and living his life.

It doesn’t matter whether your a Degree, Diploma holder, dropout or not, you can still be successful in life. It’s doing what you want the most is important. If you like car, open a garage shop. If you like food, open up a food truck or a restaurant. You need to start somewhere.

Life is full of surprises. It depends on those little decisions that you make along the way. For me, if I didn’t quit my job, I wouldn’t have knowledge in designing now. I might still be successful but I most certainly will not be happy. I’m glad that I took the chances and I hope people will do the same. Do what you want and like. Don’t ever think to yourself that your life has a limit because it doesn’t (except for my bank account).





















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